Personal Injury Frequently Asked Questions in the State of Texas
The state of Texas allows for a number of different damages to be claimed in an injury suit. Some of these damages address the immediate, tangible needs of the injury victim, while others account for possible lasting impacts an accident can have for them and their loved ones. The following damages can be claimed in Texas: * Medical bills (past and future) * Lost wages (past and future) * Physical impairment * Disfigurement * A spouse’s loss of love, comfort, and services * Pain and suffering * Mental anguish
Insurance providers often play a role in personal injury claims. This is because these companies, in an effort to protect their bottom lines, often resist paying out their policyholders’ claims. Hiring an attorney is the clearest way to demonstrate to these companies that your claim is not going away and that you are willing to fight to recover the money you deserve. Sometimes these claims can be negotiated, other times, litigation is required.
Under Texas law, civil injury claims must be filed within two years of the accident that harmed you. After those two years has passed, the courts will refuse to accept your claim.
While there is a statute of limitations on injury claims in Texas, acting too quickly is not advised, either. In order for your claim to thoroughly and accurately detail the medical expenses (and other burdens) related to your accident, the injury victim must first reach a state in their recovery were medical professionals can reasonably predict the rest of their treatment. This is called reaching maximum medical improvement (or MMI) and a skilled Laredo injury attorney can work with doctors to properly craft and time your injury claim filing.
As soon as you believe that you should take legal action following an accident, it is crucial to reach out to trusted legal counsel. Even if you are still being treated for your injury, your representation can be doing things to prepare for your future claim. There may be evidence to collect, witnesses to talk to, and insurance companies to deal with. Retaining a trusted counselor as soon as possible can help ensure that your claim is as compelling as possible and that you stand the very best chance at recovering the relief you deserve.
Still need more answers? Ready to explore your injury claim options? Our firm is ready to hear from you. Call us at (713) 225-5236 today. Hablamos Español.